Featured Services & Procedures
Sinus Clear provides a full range of Ear, Nose, Throat, Head, Neck and Sinus Surgery for pediatrics and adults. The Sinus Clear team of doctors are board-certified otolaryngologists specializing in the treatment of disorders of the ear, nose and throat. They use all of the latest surgical advancements for head and neck surgery, including laser treatment for snoring and sleep apnea, laser assisted sinus surgery, Coblation and balloon sinuplasty.
The allergy clinic at Sinus Clear can help patients understand and treat allergy symptoms. The audiology clinic offers comprehensive hearing testing and the newest technology in hearing aid and Bluetooth devices.
Dr. Pisciotta, Dr. Bratton, Dr. Wineski, Dr. Kraft and their staff look forward to helping you increase your quality of life. Let our family take care of yours.

Balloon Sinuplasty for Chronic
Sinus Problems
Millions of Americans suffer from sinusitis, and inflammation or swelling of the tissue lining in the sinuses that can prevent your sinuses from draining. Mucus and fluid buildup inside the sinuses can lead to sinus infection and more inflammation and pain.
For patients suffering with chronic sinus problems, Balloon Sinuplasty may be the best option for you. Entellus balloon sinus dilation offers you a safe, convenient and comfortable alternative in treating your recurring or persisting sinus pain and pressure.